The Alexander Fund supports all sorts of Scouting activities and projects.
When The Alexander Fund was set up in 1964 little did we know then that so many Groups, Sections, leaders and volunteers from Lambeth & Wandsworth would have been financially supported, and still are, in the pursuit of enabling Scouting within these Boroughs.
We are incredibly proud, that since then, we have granted significant support funds for all kinds of activities, travel, training and the occasional capital cost projects that would not have otherwise been possible.
We meet every 3 months to approve grant submissions, usually in March, June, September & December. Unfortunately we are not able to consider any grant submissions outside these meetings, so please email us if you have any queries. Submissions older than 3 months old will not be considered.
The Trust is in perpetuity and has been a registered charity for over 60 years. Our income comes from Endowment and Expendable Funds set up at our inception.
Our current Trustees are:
Miss Hannah Crampton
Mr Christopher Evans (Chair)
Mr Ian Andrews
Mr Gary Cooper
Mr Gavin Ferguson
Ms Rosemary Merricks
Mr Peter Hapgood
Trustee administrator is David Hanwell
Should you wish to review our Annual Report and Financial Statements you can find them on The Charity Commission website: