Our 10 point guide for your grant application
• These must be received no later than 3 months after the event finished.
• A grant will not be considered after that time limit.
• Grants are paid after their approval by the Trustees by the Trusts financial department.
Points of note
• There is no guarantee that an application will be successful
• Event grants are assessed on the criteria listed and on rates per person.
• A grant will not exceed 75% of the camp, trip, expedition or outing expenditure
• The grant should be divided equally between all participants, thus ensuring that each receives the same refund against their original expenditure.
• Groups or Districts must not profit from grants
• Events run at a loss will have the outstanding amount subtracted before calculating any potential grant
• Persistent loss-making may result in grants not being given
• International camps will only be considered to a maximum of 20% of the total cost.
Number of applications per year – January to December
1. Group applications:
Three per section per year for Beavers, Cubs , Scouts and three claims for Group events.
2. Combined Group event applications:
One Group makes the application and distributes grant accordingly.
3. District applications:
Applications for Explorers, Network and all District events can be submitted for consideration by the Trustees. Money will be distributed to participating Groups and Units by the District Treasurer.
The Trustees’ decision will be final in all cases
Applications are to be sent to, and received by, the Administrator within three months of the event:
Mr Keith Merrall, 32 Drakewood Road, Streatham, London. SW16 5 DT
Tel: 020 8764 6312 Email: admin@thealexanderfund.org
1. Camps under canvas or using indoor accommodation lasting up to 14 nights.
• £7.50 per person per night
• Camps over 14 nights will be considered separately by the Trustees
• Each camp must have a separate application
2. Transport costs for camps in the UK only
• Up to 50% of receipted costs
• Additional help with transport cost can be considered in exceptional circumstances.
3. Advance notice is required for Group overseas event/camp
• Advanced application, supported by the District Commissioner, must be made in writing 6 months before the event for consideration by the Trustees*.
* Please note that the Trustees meet four times a year and are unable to consider any grant applications outside these meetings. Check with the Administrator for further details.
4. District/County international or national events, e.g. Jamborees
• Advanced application, supported by the District Commissioner, must be made in writing 6 months before the event for consideration by the Trustees.
• Up to 20% of the total cost will be considered.
5. Day outings
• £5.00 per person for outings of a Scouting nature only.
• Explain which scouting activity the event will support / badge work covered, etc.
• Up to a maximum of 75% of any entrance fee for the scouting based event will be considered.
6. Activities undertaken during events
• Application for grants in respect of activities must contain full information on the type of activity being undertaken, e.g. Archery, Climbing, Campsite events, Pioneering, Water activities, etc.
• All activities must be itemised with their cost per person, or group, listed individually.
7. Leader training
• Application must be made in writing for the full cost of leader training, specialised courses, permits, first aid, safeguarding, etc.
• District Commissioners must approve such courses.
• Payment will be made after the course has been completed and passed.
8. Building repairs and maintenance
• Applications must be made in writing with 3 estimates prior to work starting.
• In exceptional circumstances where work has been undertaken full audited accounts must be submitted along with details of the money raised for the project by the Group.
• The Trustees will then consider such applications on their merits.
9. Equipment
• Estimates for special equipment [over and above that usually required] will be considered.
• Estimate must be submitted in writing before purchase.
10. Group start up grant
• The Trustees will consider a maximum of £250 per section for a Group starting up.